
Solitude. Change is in the air. Storms from the previous evening have passed, morning fog ushers in a cool morning. Surrounded by silence being moved about by the gusts of wind off the bluff. Time to recharge and reflect. We all could use more time for both. I have the […]


“Deck the halls with boughs of holly…” The advantage of hanging Christmas lights on the lodge here at the Secret is the spectacular view I get to enjoy while doing it! The trick is to pick a warm, sunny November day to put them up! The disadvantage is trying to […]

Deck the Halls!

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a fluffy, gray miniature donkey walking down the driveway! Oh, yes he did, not sure how since the latch was down and the carabiner was still in place, but he did! After 15 minutes of talking sweet while holding fresh cantelope […]

The Great Donkey Escape

And we’ll have sun,sun, sun ’til the clouds come hide the sun away!! TGIF Y’all, I’m decking the halls this weekend and enjoying the sun shining in while I’m doing it!! Be safe and have a great weekend!! ‪#‎thesecretbedandbreakfast‬ ‪#‎weisslake‬ ‪#‎VisitNorthAl‬‪#‎bedandbreakfastalabama‬

Sun, Sun, Sun

Secret reflections have given me the opportunity to understand that often times what we see is a reflection of what goes on in our heads. In order to change the current reflection we need only to change our minds. Learning to use the power of positive thinking is the greatest […]

Secret Reflections

In spite of all the wind and rain the last couple of days there are still more leaves on the trees than the ground! And most of them are just turning from green to red to yellow. It’s hard to imagine that in just a few short weeks however the […]

A Shining Light

A cold, constant, angry wind is whipping in off the bluff. Buckets of cool rain pouring from the sky. Thoughts turn to hot coffee, a warm blanket, and a sunny spot on the couch. While to some the stark, cold of winter is to be dreaded, here it is just […]

A Cold Autumn Night

Cool, crisp autumn night by the fire pit visiting with new friends. Followed up by a spectacular sunrise all decked out in the colors of the season. The mountain top set afire with the glow of the early morning sun. Autumn is in the air, life is good. ‪#‎thesecretbedandbreakfast‬ ‪#‎visitNorthAl‬ […]

Autumn Evenings

Although the warmth of a spring morning brings us flowers, it is the crisp, coolness of an autumn morn that brings us the stars in all their brilliance. Lying in the hammock, wrapped in a warm fleece blanket, I am in awe of how much the valley below seems to […]

Spring Flowers and Autumn Leaves

Extra! Extra! Times they are a changing!! Since it is the season of change here on the mountain, what better time to announce a change of our own. Thanks to the efforts of Jonathan and Emily Webb, my adopted children, we are proud to announce the launch of our new […]

Extra!! Extra!!

  Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay. My, oh my, what a wonderful day! With each sunrise we make a choice. We can choose to have a positive outlook, and take all the negatives that come our way and push them into positives, or we can dwell on the negative. Everything happens for a […]

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay

Good Day Sunshine
“Good day sunshine. I need to laugh, and when the sun is out I’ve got something I can laugh about, I feel good, in a special way.” I hope your Sunday is special and you have plenty to be happy about. Good day, Sunshine from your friends at The Secret.

Good Day Sunshine!